

Perception "The way of seing world around us"

Perception in psychology, mental organization and interpretation of sensory information’s.

Perception involves the way we view the world around us, it adds meaning to information gathered via the five senses- touch, smell, hearing, vision and test. Perception is the primary vehicle through which we come to understand our surrounding and ourselves. Perception can be defined as a process by which individual organize and interpret their sensory information in order to give meaning to their environment.

Perception is a three phase Process of selecting organizing and interpreting the information.


Factors influencing perception: Basically the perceptions are effected by the characteristics of Perceiver i.e.

a)    Attitude b) Moods c) Motive d) Self Concept e) Interest f) Cognitive Structure g) Expectations   

Characteristics influencing Perception:

a)    Characteristics of Situation

b)    Characteristics of Target


Types of Perception:

1.    Constancy of Perception

2.    Motion Perception


3.    Form Perception


4.    Geometric Illusions


Barriers to Perception:

1.    Selective Perception

2.    Stereotype

3.    Halo Effect

4.    First- Impression

5.    Contrast Effect

6.    Projection / Similarity Error

7.    Implicit Personality Traits

8.    Self Fulfilling Prophecies

9.    Fundamental Attribution error

10.  Self Serving Bias

11.  Leniency and strictness error

12.  The Recency Effect

13.  Central Tendency

14.  Personal Prejudice



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