Even the smallest action of any one is outcome of learning’s in the past either resides in our conscious or Unconscious mind. Human Brain acts like a Recording machine it stores each and every event, whether important or not, whether done consciously or unconsciously. And then by the time we may forget it but they are still in our mind that is still working unconsciously in our mind directs our behavior. “It is like a child choosing his or her career for future, if you ask them about their wish to be in future they may tell you but if you ask the reason of choosing “They Don’t Know” they choose it unconsciously and start working upon it.
The founder of theory “Parent Adult Child” Mr. Eric Berne was also in view that every person has many faceted personality one person can have all three attitudes or behavior for a certain point of time. It is a theory of Behavioral Approach that deals how one learns to behave or to respond. These three emotional states has been defined accordingly:
Parent: This kind of emotional state is our deep routed sense of authority, absorbed conditioning, learning and attitudes from when we were young. That learning is inculcated through our own parents, friends, seniors, teachers and other whom we consider to be more mature than us. This kind of attitude may be judge from Answer, Questions and Inquiries of the person in form of sentences, they speak i.e: How to, under no circumstances, always and never forget, don’t lie and other authoritative words and sentences.
emotional state occurs through our unconscious mind. These are our instant feeling
that mostly doesn’t have any particular reason or conscious behind them. It is easy
to control child ego state in comparison to patent ego. We may say it is very
hard to control parent ego.
'Adult' is our ability to think and determine action for ourselves, based on
received data. The adult in us begins to form at around ten months old, and is
the means by which we keep our Parent and Child under control. If we are to
change our Parent or Child we must do so through our adult.
other words:
- Parent is our 'Taught' concept of life
- Adult is our 'Thought' concept of life
- Child is our 'Felt' concept of life